Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection - Xbox One If you know them please send us a message using our Message System. We do not know the PC ports for Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection yet.The incoming ports that need to be forwarded for Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection are as follows: Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection - PC Ports To Forward for Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection On occasion you have to reboot your router for the changes to take effect.Put the TCP and UDP ports for your game in the matching boxes in your router.

Put the IP address of your computer or gaming console in the applicable box in your router.Locate your routers port forwarding section.The normal process for forwarding a port is: Then when you are done you can just as easily close your ports back down to keep your network as secure as possible. Quickly get your ports forwarded using Network Utilities. It's a part of the Network Utilities suite of tools and it's completely free to use. The easiest way to locate your router's IP address is to run our free Router Detector utility.