We will also continue seeking feedback so we can fix those little bugs and design problems that only become apparent after tens or hundreds of hours of play.

The “Beta” designation means that we’re on the final stretch before the 1.0 release, and that there won’t be major content additions like whole new game systems. Of course we will almost certainly add more content, before the 1.0 release or after. It’s time to start bringing it to a close, which is why version 0.18 is Beta 18 instead of Alpha 18. It’s come a very long way since the first public look in September 2013. That last number is the number of days since I first started working on RimWorld in February 2012. It’s finally in Beta! This is build of RimWorld. If you want to keep playing Alpha 17 on Steam: Right click RimWorld in the Library list -> Properties -> Betas -> Choose alpha17b from the drop-down menu. If you’re DRM-free, you can re-download from the same link you got the game from originally. To get the update: If you’re on Steam, the game will update automatically.

RimWorld Beta 18 – A World of Story is released! Here’s the video (where I accidentally call it Alpha 18 – old habits die hard).